Family photo

Family photo



Well, my cabinets are done. It's about time. It only took forever. Seriously, it did. Once I restarted on the project it wasn't so bad getting it done. It took me like a year. Ugh. I should have done them sooner, but I was just dreading it! But they are done, and I love how they look!! Here are some pictures. I did have before pictures, but somehow they got erased, so no before pictures :( sad day.

Here is the only before-ish picture I have left, and it's when I'm putting on the first coat. I'm so sad all my others got deleted!

 After the first coat on the doors.

Last coat on the doors.

Doors up and done!

New handles and hinges.

My front garden. Here are the pots I ended up getting. They aren't full yet, and I just took this picture then put them inside. I'll put them out next year.

We also replaced the ugly brass hinges on the linen closet thing. The left door isn't up yet, but we got them all replaced!

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