Family photo

Family photo


Just so you all know..

This blog is in response to the many comments received about me and men and the Y. Yes, I'm moving down to the Y.. but no I am not going to get married. I think I will be staying single for quite some time. Just thought you all might want to know. I hope I didn't get your hopes up for an announcement in the mail. The end. :)


ovjamaica said...

That's what they all first... ;)

Ben, KoriAnn, Brighton & Bristol said...

I agree with the bishop! Are you going to go to the first game on Saturday? My dad is surprising my little brother Connor and taking him down to the game. Connor is going to freak when he realizes that they are at the stadium! I'll miss you a ton, we will come and visit asap!

Ali said...

WHATEVER!!! Make sure call when you meet your McDreamy or McSteamy!! Until then...DATE EVERYONE!!!

Michelle said...

I'm glad you are smart enough to know that getting married can wait! Just remember you will be with them forever which can be a really, really long time when they are bugging you! : ) (not Chuy! duh)
Love you and good luck at college- looking forward to those posts!