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Family photo


This Past Wonderful Week

Well, this week has been fun. On Thursday I had the opportunity to head to Salt Lake with My Financial Literature class. First we headed to the capitol, which originally we were supposed to head to the Federal Reserve, but that fell through. So we went to the capitol which is gorgeous. We also went to Zion's Bank, which was really cool. Now I'm sure your thinking this sounds way cool, but it gets better... we went to... THE GATEWAY! Ga! I had so much fun just shopping away. I brought 80 dollars and my mom thought I was going to spend it all.. but I didn't! I got dark blue Hollister shirt and a light orange Abercrombie and Fitch shirt. So much fun. Friday I was working my behind off at work, and my teacher came through my line. Well, her son's birthday was that day and he's a year younger than me and I told her to tell hi happy birthday for me and she told me that after work I should head to his party, and I told her was already hanging out with my friend Alyssa, and she said Alyssa could go too, so I called up Alyssa, and she said it would be cool if we went, so we did and we and a lot of fun. But my mom got a little mad cuz I was coming down with a cold, and she got mad I didn't come home to go to bed early. Now I'm wondering what kind f teenager would go home from a party to go to sleep. Well not me. On Saturday morning I went to a YW church ball game, and I didn't play but I stood on the side lines and yelled at the ickle Beehives to get their butts down the court. Which just trashed my voice so at work I sounded all gross and one of my managers asked if I had laryngitis or whatever. Today I skipped church cuz of my full blown cold, and my mom was all iffy about me using her laptop, cuz I'd be touching her keyboard. LOL. Well, I gotta get off the computer so I can go sleep some more... since I've slept all day already. Me and my bed are like best friends now. Well, you all have fun. And if you're bored on Monday, send me a text, because I'll be laying in bed. All day. Cheering that the Patriots won. Hooray. Well, I love you all.


Anonymous said...

Wow!!! The Gateway! did you get a gumball?lol you are a pretty good shopper to get a shirt from abercrombie and still have money left.. sorry to hear that you are sick.. get feeling better you party animal.. LOL linda

Ali said...

You are a trader....the Patriots, you should be cheering MY Chargers on and you want to live in California....TRADER!!
Your shirts sound cute...get feeling better!! I sent you a shirt to Grandma's house, you are going to love it!!
love you

Unknown said...

I am jealous. I would love to go play in SLC and go shopping at the Gateway. I hope you feel better soon.

Unknown said...

Okay, I love your bottie shaking man. That is great!!!