Family photo

Family photo



Chocolate strawberries you are so good to eat.
You are such a yummy treat.

I just made some chocolate strawberries and they are delicious.

I went to a different ENT today. I liked this doctor better. He is nice and he explains things and I like him better than the old one. Mike was nice enough to come along for my appointment. The doctor gave me a prescription of ear drops (ugh) and cleaned out my ears. I hate getting my ears cleaned out. It makes me dizzy and makes me feel really sick to my stomach. Anyway, he seemed like he was willing to get rid of my ear problem once and for all instead of like previous docs that would give me ear drops and send me on my way saying it would cure whatever is wrong. He also took a culture or whatever to see if there is anything unusual in my ears that keeps causing this infection to come back. Even though I've been to a bunch of doctors and had the same results I'm hopeful that this will work and I won't have problem anymore.

A week or two ago I messed up Mike's hair. I was shaving the sides and we usually do a number 2 on the sides. Mike was sitting in the chair and was making me laugh with all the funny stuff he was saying. I set down the #2 guard and the shaver. I just picked up the shaver. I forgot to put the guard on. So I started shaving his head.. I made one strip and pulled the shaver away and I felt so bad! I told him I messed up and Mike just laughed and said well you have to keep going, you can't leave it like that. So for a few days he had an extreme mohawk. A few days later we cut the top down too so it didn't look too bad. Now it looks like he just has normal short hair. For a few days though, he had a pretty nice mohawk! Haha!


Anonymous said...

Should have taken a picture of Mike!! Hope this Dr. finds the root to your problem, you've had it for such a lonnnnng time!! Love you, Grandma

Unknown said...

I hope you can get the ear thing taken care of, poor thing!!! Love you!!!

Julia said...

Oh, the strawberries sound so yummy! I'm hopeful your ears will find a cure! I'm surprised you didn't post about daddy. lol! Love you, dearie!