Family photo

Family photo



Today I didn't have a very good day at work. When I got home I got in bed and watched Seinfield. Mike calls me when he gets off and tells me he will be home a little late and he is going to get something. I asked him what it was and he said it was a surprise for me!! I asked for a hint, but he wouldn't give me one so I just had to patiently wait. HE got home and told me to close my eyes and hold out my hands.. so I do and he puts something in my hands and I open my eyes and it was...

I was so excited! I've been wanting that game for a while, but its been way to expensive. The price finally dropped and Mike got it!!

I went downstairs and played it, I invited Mike to play, but he just laid by me and watched :)

It is so fun! I made my little sack person and he is so cute and its such a fun game! I can't wait till my family comes down so I can show my brothers my little sack person. The best part is you can make him
dance and move his arms and head and hips and you can change his facial expressions and make him happy or sad or grumpy or afraid.

We made one for Mike and his is really cute too. My person was named after Mike's game system so it is Freave 182 and when we made Mike's it named it Freave 182's best
fwiend. Haha!! I love that game so much and it is super fun to play. Mike played a little bit and he liked it a lot too.

When we first got married we were shopping and I pointed the game out and told him I really wanted that game one day and he told me it looked super lame and we would never get it. LOL! But it got an award like game of the year or something, so I guess that changed his mind. Anyway- Its super fun!! I love it!!

Thanks for the
Little Big Planet Mike!! I love you!!

1 comment:

Camille said...

Sounds like Mike knew just how to brighten your day!!!