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Almost There...

Mike and I have almost reached our one year anniversary on August 21. With it drawing closer each day it is increasingly on my mind more and more. Why? Because I think and over analyze things too much.

I have come up with the pros and cons of being married for one year.

I will have been with the love of my life for 1 year, and have amazing memories and will be looking forward to more.
Everyone says the first year is the hardest, and we will have made it through the first year!
We have our routines set up for getting up in the morning, bedtime, meal time, etc.
And more, but I don't feel like typing them right now.

Being married for one year gets closer to the stage where we won't cuddle in bed anymore, when we won't hold hands in public or when we are watching a movie. It gets closer to no more pet names and just being a normal married couple I guess.

Going over the pros and cons I think there are more pros than cons.


Samantha said...

What do you think a "normal" married couple does?!? Sure, it can take a little work sometimes, but the best part about being married is being able to fall in love over and over again with each other! Just make it a goal to never STOP holding hands and making goo-goo eyes at the dinner table, and then you won't! You should know this -- I've seen your parents hugging and holding hands a lot! They're a great example of what a marriage should be! :)

The Medsker Family said...

For the record, mom & I have been married for 22 years and there is still plenty of cuddling, hand holding and even some name calling (in a good way).

PS - Thank you Samantha. You are very sweet!

Afton Peterson said...

Me and Daniel are coming up on our 4 year anniversary and we still hold hands and cuddle and all those good things. Like other people said it doesnt have to stop if you dont want it too.