Family photo

Family photo


Cuties, Dads and Colors

Cuties- Well, one day this week my mom and I were sitting at the table eating a nice lunch and chatting and laughing like we usually do when the doorbell rang. I got up to get it and there was this guy. He was probably about 22 or 23 and he started talking pretty fast and mumbling. Next thing I know I have a list of magazines in my hand and he asks for my name. I say Emily and he writes it down and he says "Now how do you spell your last name? Is that C-U-T-I-E?" He thought it was pretty clever but I shot him down with a straight face and a "No." I guess I could've been nicer but that's just what panned out. Oh well.

Dads- Well on Friday I went to hang out with Mike as usual. But this time.. I was meeting his dad. his parents live in Oregon but he was down here so I was going to meet him. Now I was really stressing out the whole week and I was hoping he would like me and all of this stuff. So I drive to Mike's house and I was about one minute away from his house and he told me the TV guy wasn't there yet (Mike was getting his TV fixed that morning and the guy was super late) so I was thinking that was good because then Mike would be there while I got drilled by his dad. So I drive up to the house and there is a TV van. Joy. So I go up to the door just hoping that Mike or Mike's brother or sister in law or one of their kids or anyone but his dad would answer the door. No such luck. I knocked and the door opens and it was Mike's dad. I say hi and he lets me in and calls Mike up. Mike says hey and says he will be downstairs for a while so I should talk to his dad. BY MYSELF.. AHHH.. No one else was home. So I sit down and talk to his dad for like 45 minutes. I think his dad could tell I was super nervous because he did a lot of the talking and didn't ask a lot of questions. After the TV guy left Mike came up and the 3 of us went to Applebee's. Then back to the house for an episode of the Office and basketball games. We had steak for dinner and it was really good. I ended up leaving a bit early because of a migrane. His dad was really nice and fun, and Mike says he likes me so bonus!




Chalked upWhoo, I love it!

This was at the Festival of Colors, it was super fun. Basically a celebration of Spring coming and Winter leaving. A lot of festivities and dancing and singing and chalk throwing. The whole place was just filled with chalk, it was like a dust cloud of chalk. It was so fun!


Samantha said...

Eww -- that magazine guy came to my house, too -- and pulled the 'cutie' trick on me, too. Totally smarmy guy! :P Good for you for blowing him off! And sounds like you handled Mike's dad really well, too! It gets easier :)

Ben, KoriAnn, Brighton & Bristol said...

Me too! HaHa! While I was babysit the Donley Girls he came to their house, so I answered the door. Same "cutie" trick too. Poor kid couldn't catch a break. I have been wondering how Friday went. I meant to talk to you at church yesterday and get the scoop. Looks like I need to get texting you to get the details :)

Julia said...

Hey C-U-T-I-E! :D Love you!