Family photo

Family photo



I love spring. I love the flowers and that I can finally wear flip flops. Here is a list of things that I am going to try to remember until next year.

- Even if it LOOKS warm, you still want to take a jacket.
- If you get new sandals, don't wear them on a really long walk, or you will get blisters.
- Don't start cleaning a room unless you are positive you have enough energy to finish it.
- Don't try to pull up thistles even with gardening gloves on.
- If you pull up all the dandelions in your yard, you will feel accomplished for 2 days. Then they grow back.
- Whatever you do, after you are done drinking a smoothie, RINSE out the glass! It will smell if you don't. And if it doesn't smell, it will dry up and you have to put it in the dishwasher 2 times.
- Praise your dog even if it pees in the middle of the road, because hey, at least it's not in your house.
- Do your homework even though being outside or spring cleaning all of a sudden sounds so much more fun.
- Keep the heat on at night or your house will be at 60 degrees when you wake up.
- Just because it looks nice in the morning doesn't mean it will be nice all day.
- Take your allergy pill EVERYDAY, because your allergies will act up as soon as you leave the house.
- Take a shower after you weed the lawn or you will have hives all over your arms and legs during class and itch like mad.
- Just because September is still a few months away, doesn't mean you can't start thinking about what pics to turn into the State Fair.
- All baby animals are cute. So play with them.
-However, not all adult animals are cute or fun, so do not take them home.

I think that is about it. I hope I remember this stuff for next year!


Ali said...

I love your post and totally agree with everything....especially the smoothie one :0) love you

Unknown said...

I have learned many of those things too!!!