Family photo

Family photo


The Horn

So, today I dropped the girls off for mutual. And on my way home I saw some Beehives that are in my ward and they were walking to mutual and they were right where I had to turn but on the sidewalk instead of the road. So I get in the turning lane and I honk the horn at them really loud. And I guess sort of long, cuz when I turned the corner the horn started going off without me touching it and just kept going off. And it wouldn't stop!!! So I'm driving home and the horn won't stop going off. Wow I have never laughed so hard while driving in my whole life and been so embarrassed at the same time. So I was frantically trying to figure out how to make it stop. And I figured out that if I held my hand on the horn and just pushed it a little it would stop. So I get to the stop sign at the top of the street and I have to turn, and I couldn't keep a constant pressure so the horn starts going off again. So I call my mom at home and she can barely understand me cuz the horn is going off and I was laughing so hard. So I get home and in the garage and my mom comes out and I tell her the whole story and we are both cracking up. Well, she tried to get my dad while I was on my way home but he was in the bathroom. And with him you never know how long he will be in there. So my mom goes inside and just leaves me out in the garage alone. At this time my arm starts to hurt, cuz I can't move it. So I call the best car man I know... Fred. Well, he answers the phone and asks whats up. So I tell him whats up and I ask him how to fix it. And he gives me a couple ways. So we get off the phone and my dad pops his head into the garage and looks at me and goes back inside. So I honk at him. He finally comes out after my arm had officially formed car horn holding muscles and asks me why I broke the horn. Well that just got me going and as you all know I can't tell a story while laughing. Good thing my mom can interpret so she told him what I said cuz I was laughing so hard I was crying and I couldn't stop. My mom decided she needed pics and went to get her camera and my dad fixed the car. Debbie had this happen to her a few years ago and I remember laughing so hard and thinking I would die if that ever happened to me. Well, I'm still alive. Don't tell me Heavenly Father doesn't have a sense of humor, Cuz I'm pretty dang sure him and all his angel friends were laughing pretty hard. The end. Questions, comments, queries, you know what to do. I love you all!


Anonymous said...

Grandpa came in to see what I was laughing at then he joined me laughing. You forgot the end of the did you get it stopped????

Unknown said...

That is so funny!!! I would have paid to see you driving around honking. I love it!!!