Family photo

Family photo



My. Dog. Has. POOPED. Almost. Every. Day. In. Her. Kennel. Since. We. Got. Her.


Absolutely horrible. I can understand since she is still a puppy and can't hold it for a whole work day but I absolutely hate coming home to a stinky poopy smelling house. I hope her poop schedule changes soon so we don't have to keep washing out her kennel, giving her so many baths, and I don't come home take one breath in and I want to puke. Haha.

I found a new blog site I am trying out and so far I really like it! I'll be blogging on both of them for a while and then I will decide which I like better and I will stay with Blogspot or switch over to Tumblr. My url for that one is: so feel free to check it out!

Mike and I tried a plantain today. We bought it the other day while we were at the store just to try it. Mike took one bite and spit it out. I thought it was pretty good and it was a lot like a banana. I like bananas better though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily! Cook the plantain on a skillet, with oil or butter, and then sprinkle brown sugar on it. Then, it will be MUCH better. It is more like a potato than a sweet banana. :) ( Lorri Peterson- sorry I am not signed in to anything..)