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Family photo


Worst Dog In The World Award

Sometimes I feel like our dog could win the worst dog in the world award. I still don't like him. We are taking him to obedience classes, which have been nice because he is doing a littler better I guess. But sometimes he still just gets up under my skin. I can't stand him. Still. I feel bad cuz I complain to Mike about it sometimes, and then Mike just tells me "well if you hate him, get rid of him." But if I got rid of the dog, Mike would be unhappy. Plus all the money we have "invested" in the dog. I wish he would just be good. I wish he would not jump up and he would always listen when we tell him to sit or to come. I wish he didn't shed. I feel bad for not liking the dog, but I just don't. I try to like him, I go to his classes and I give him treats and I try to teach hum, but I still don't like him. I can't get rid of him because Mike would be so so so sad. And that's not worth it to me. One day maybe we will have a good obedient dog.

We are trying to build a garden. Or, we are trying to dig out a place for a garden. Its super hard work! It rained a lot earlier so the grass and dirt are coming out easier now, but its still super hard! It will be nice when we get all the little plants in. We are planting corn, tomatoes, onions, green, yellow, red, banana and anaheim peppers, strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, lettuce, grapes and cantaloupe. Hopefully it will all fit.. and grow.

Work has been the same lately, I'm not enjoying it at all. They implemented a call tier structure, or they have put in one tier so far. The people on the first tier have like 15 minutes between calls, and the people on my tier are basically back to back calls. Needless to say, I'm not a fan.

Here are some more random facts- I enjoy doing these.

1- When I wear my hair curly at work my coach calls me "Sassy Pants"
2- I think Mac and Cheese and stuffing are a delicious dinner. That is what we are having tonight. We don't mix them together though.
3- I wear orange scrub pants for my PJ bottoms
4- I am going to the U2 concert on June 3rd, and I CANNOT wait!!
5- Today I had a super long nap with my hubby while the rain was pouring outside. I love falling asleep to the sound of rain.

Funny story.

Yesterday Mike and I needed to buy dirt for our becoming garden. We were at Lowe's and I called my dad asking what kind of dirt. We had 3 bags of potting soil. We have never made a garden. The story goes as follows:
Me: Dad we are building a garden and we are getting dirt. We have 3 huge bags of potting soil. Is that what we want?
Dad: Potting soil (chuckles) no you don't want potting soil. You will want a huge bag of peat moss, and some manure, etc etc.

I felt pretty dumb when my dad used his "I can't believe you just said that" voice and chuckled at our attempt to pick out soil. Oh well. We have the right stuff, now we just need to put it in!

I think that is all I have to blog about. Until next time.. just remember
"My awesomeness is only exceeded by my humility"


Ali said...

Thank you for blogging, so funny!! I am sorry the dog it still driving you nuts. THink of it this way....he is ypunger then Luke and I can't get Luke to sit like your Dog. He will get there!!! I love you!!!

Camille said...

May I give a suggestion? If you haven't put your soil down should look into square foot gardening. Especially if you are limited by space. Go to this web site and check it out.
If you have ANY questions you can call me. I have the book and it is SOOO easy to understand...Hey, I even planted a garden if that tells you anything. Good luck!!!
Sorry you don't like your dog.

Michelle said...

"There are no bad dogs just bad dog owners!" If you put in the time & be consistent you will have a good dog! Keep going to the classses that is the right direction!! Just think once you've mastered dogs you can go to kids! : ) Sounds like Ali could use some help....! (hee-hee)