Family photo

Family photo



Well, I've put basically everything on my last couple posts that has happened this week, but I'll post again. This week was pretty good, on Wednesday I asked a kid to our school dance that is coming up on the 9th. First I need to tell you the story of his birthday party. It was last Friday night I think and I was working and my financial literature teacher came in and I said hi and told her to come through my line. So she came through my line and she was buying a lot of candy bars and whenever anyone is buying a lot of candy bars I say "are ya having a candy party?" So I said that to her and she's all "yeah, its Gabe's birthday party. You should come!" And I told her I was already hanging with my friend Alyssa. And she's like, Well, he knows Alyssa too! You should both come! So I told her I'd talk to her and we'd think about it and she wanted me to call her after work so I could get directions to their house. LOL. By the way her son is a junior and he goes to BL. Anyways, so I call her after I pick up Alyssa and Gabe answers and he gives us directions to their house. So we go, and their house is GORGEOUS! Oh me heavens, and its big and the have this wall that Ali would LOVE! It was red and it had a huge huge window that had a white trim around it. It was gorgeous. She also had sea shells and sea turtle things around and flowers and it was just so pretty! So we hung out and ate cake and stuff. Well, I decided I was going to ask this kid to the dance, but I didn't know if he had been asked or not. So at school I asked Mrs. Hayes (that's my financial lit. teacher) if he had been asked and she said no, so I formulated my plan. So I made a huge ice block with my name in it. I didn't measure it, but I have my Razr with me right now so if you know how big one of those are, it was probably 1 1/2 Razrs by 1 Razr by 1 Razr. (And that is with my Razr opened). Technology at its best Ü. So I drop off the ice chunk on Wednesday night, and I had my friend Amber Houghton come with me and my mom. So me and amber sneak up there all sneaky and I'm carrying the ice block and it was freezing my hands off, and Amber was carrying the paper. The paper said something like "It Would Be Cool If You Went to The Dance With mE". (Notice the me backwards spells Em... my dad came up with that one. We are a clever bunch aren't we?) So we run up there and set it on the porch and run away. It was pretty fun. My mom and I, whenever we ask a kid to the dance we have to drive past once or twice to make sure they got it, so we drove past... once. LOL. You all know about the other things that happened, the water shut off, we had no water for 2 days, so instead of a clever bunch we were a stinky bunch, I went shopping, etc. Today (today being Sunday) Sydney, Brandon, Josh and I went up to Grandma With A Dog (Grandma Medsker) and Syd and I played Philadelphia with G&G. It was pretty fun. If you ever play it with them, grandma really enjoys when you say "Grandam was slow but she was old" when its her turn. She also like on the one that you have to get 2 runs of 4 you talk about how Syd has the runs. which she really didn't, grandma just likes it when you say it. We also ate brownies out of that wicked cool brownie pan Britt gave grandpa (I love it Britt! Everyone is getting me things for when I get married, even though its a long time away, I think you should send me one of those Ü). Well, I think that is just about it for this week. when Gabe answers me back I'll post it one here. Love you all!


Ali said...

I would love that wall, lucky lady!! I can't wait to see how he answers you!! Very clever!!
love ya

Anonymous said...

You know some of us carry a tape measure with us for just such events :-)

Unknown said...

I'll give you the pan for your wedding : ) I need to get me one too!!!